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H-FARM Campus Marina

An innovative ecosystem of nautical activities, tourism, culture, sports, and wellness in the Venice lagoon.

Photo by Bedis ElAcheche:

Innovation in the Venice Lagoon

Marina di Portegrandi: The New Management by H-FARM

The Marina di Portegrandi has been taken over by H-FARM and is now part of its Campus, the main European hub for innovation, education, and entrepreneurship.

An Innovative Nautical Ecosystem in the Venice Lagoon

It holds a (strategic position for tourism), thanks to its proximity to the Venice airport and to the cycling and walking paths overlooking the Venice lagoon and the Natural Park of the River Sile.

We want to transform it into a central place within the (Metropolitan City of Venice), with a unique journey through the islands of Torcello, Burano, and Murano. Through a pedestrian and cycle bridge, it will be connected to the other areas of our Campus, which we are expanding to create new environments for education, hospitality, dining, and community life open to all.

We provide services in (hospitality, tourism, culture, sports, and wellness) that make the Marina di Portegrandi a meeting point where people can socialize immersed in nature and beauty, in line with the spirit of H-FARM.


Any Question?

You can contact us by calling +39 0422 789611 or sending an email Contact us

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H-FARM Campus Marina x PesCo

Coming soon!!! Fishing experience near the lagoon !

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